Instructor Aide Program
2025 Instructor Aide Application
The Instructor Aide program is for 13-15 yr olds that have completed through the Advanced Techniques level in our program. To sign up for 2025, complete and submit the form below. Additional information regarding training and session options will be sent to you in March of 2025.
program description

This volunteer program is for young people, thirteen to fifteen years old, who are interested in assisting in our swim classes.  Applicants must have completed our program through the Advanced Technique level, and enjoy working with young children.

As an instructor aide, you will be learning how to teach and interact with young children in a responsible manner.  You will closely work with instructors to help young swimmers learn new skills and enjoy the water.  Being an aide should be both a fun and growing experience.  The instructors and students appreciate and benefit from your help.  The time commitment for aiding is one two week session, for three hours each day.

While not every Instructor Aide becomes an instructor, almost all of our instructors are selected from our Instructor Aide Program.  Therefore, if you are interested in one day becoming a part of our SOS staff, we would highly recommend participation in this program.

info request


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